Only after systemic and structural problems are solved can the utilization ratio be improved under the present international capital recycling system. 只有破解多重体制性、结构性矛盾,才能在国际资本流动大循环体系中提高我国的金融资源利用效率。
At present, capital design has been accepted all over the world, Through capital design, form a reasonable energy dissipate mechanism; 目前,能力设计法已为各国普遍接受,通过能力设计法,形成合理的耗能机制,使塑性铰出现在延性易于保证的部位;
Aiming at the problems arising from the situation of information processing development and the present model of capital management, to construct an information processing model for capital management in this information era, to solve the problems and to optimize the existing model. 针对信息化的发展形势和目前资金管理模式中存在的诸多问题,构建信息化时代资金管理模式,达到解决问题、优化现有模式的目的。
Lagos is the present capital and the largest city. 现在的首都及最大城市是拉各斯。
Present human capital investment method and model are still worth discussing and the problem is that the human capital investment is higher but the return is lower in the corps. 农场目前的人力资本投资途径和方式依旧存在值得商榷的地方,更为严重的问题是农场存在着人力资本高投资低投入的现象。
Tokyo is the present capital of Japan, but for centuries the capital was Kyoto. 东京是日本现在的首都,但几个世纪以来,日本的首都一直是京都。
At present it is difficult for SMEs of our country to get financial support from either state-owned banks or capital market because the rigid informatin publication mechanism in the present single nationwide capital market doesn't fit the information management in smes. 摘要目前,我国中小企业难以从国有商业银行和资本市场上融通资金,其原因是由于现有的单一全国性资本市场上较严格的信息披露机制与中小企业信息管理不相适应。
According to the situation, present capital item opening should adopt progressive strategy, to strengthen government's leading effect in the opening process. 鉴于现阶段我国资本项目开放的现实条件,资本项目开放应采取渐进式策略,强化政府在开放进程中的主导作用。
At present capital is the biggest obstacle of developing the knowledge economy in China. 当前,我国发展知识经济的最大障碍是资金。
Russia urgently needs to alter the present foreign capital scope and distribution for the purpose of development of national economy. 俄罗斯迫切需要改变当前的外资流入规模及分布,以适应国民经济发展的需要。
So it is very indispensable to revaluate the rear hypothesis of the present capital market theory. 因此,重新估价当今资本市场理论的背后的假定是十分重要的。
Thinking about the Present Policy of Capital Punishment in Our Country 对我国现阶段死刑政策的若干思考
Separation from the present capital and the nature of interest bearing is the essential characteristics of fictitious capital. 虚拟资本同现实资本的分离性和生息性是虚拟资本的重要特性。
This paper first analyzes the development mode of capital venture with regard to the time sequence, and in comparative and inductive ways, induces the main two development modes of the present venture capital: one is the development mode centering upon the securities market; 本文首先从时间序列的角度分析了风险投资的发展模式,然后运用归纳和比较分析的方法,归纳出当前风险投资的发展模式主要有两种:一种是以证券市场为中心的发展模式;
Being a closer description of the present capital market, the hypothesis is very illuminating in improving our regulating policy of information disclosure. 不完全披露假说的理论及应用对提高我国资本市场信息披露监管水平具有政策含义。
This dissertation takes the human capital theory as the instruction, in the analysis of present human capital of involuntary resettlement and necessary of development, I propose to combine the government, the enterprise and the training organization, enhancing the human capital level of the immigrant comprehensively. 本文以人力资本理论为指导,在系统分析非自愿移民人力资本的现状和开发必要性的基础上,提出了通过政府、企业、培训机构三者的互相结合,全面提高移民的人力资本水平。
This paper pays close attention to an important respect in the human capacity building of the enterprise impel the knowledge type staffs that have the present manpower capital to have more outputs motivating knowledge type staffs. 本文着重关注企业层面的人力资源能力建设中的一个重要方面促使人力资本含量较高的知识型员工有更多产出知识型员工激励。
This research utilizes "income function of the wages" of Mince to explain the relationship between present human capital investment and wages in Taiwan. 本研究即针对台湾高等教育扩张前期的1992年与后期的2001年两个时点,利用Mincer的“薪资所得函数”加以扩充,来解释当前台湾人力资本投资与薪资所得之间的关系。
Chapter two analyzes the limitation of equilibrium analysis method and the present capital structure choice theories. 由于完全成熟稳定的经济环境在现实中并不存在,所以均衡分析方法总是存在局限性;
Make a general survey of history, traditional state-run property relations, imperfect investment structure, imperfect bank credit system, poor management and administration and heavy society of poor benefit bear, have caused the present out-of-balance capital structure finally. 传统的国有产权制度、不健全的投资体制、不完善的银行信贷体系、低效益的经营管理以及沉重的社会负担,最终导致了目前失衡的资本结构。
At present, venture capital is at primary stage still in our country. 目前,我国创业投资业仍处于初级阶段,尚存不少问题。
Many problems that are uncoordinated with agriculture development are arising from the present investment and capital absorbing system. 现有的投融资体制已出现了许多与农业发展不相适应的问题。
Through the comparison of stipulations concerning corporate capital system laid out in American and German corporate law, the author suggests that the present corporate capital system in China should be amended, i.e., should be changed from statutory capital system to eclectic capital system. 并在此基础上,分析我国现行的公司资本制度的立法规定和价值取向,最终提出我国公司资本制度应从法定资本制向折衷资本制过渡的立法对策。
This paper discusses problems about orientation of financial engineering curriculum construction under present capital market development situations in our country by comparing and analyzing styles of financial engineering curriculum construction in colleges at home and abroad, and points out orientation principles and measures to be taken. 通过对国内外高校金融工程学科建设模式的比较和分析,探讨了我国目前资本市场发展现状下金融工程学科建设的定位问题,指出了定位原则和应采取的措施。
Characteristics and new trends of present international short-term capital circulation is the scale of international short-term capital increases constantly; 当前国际短期资本流动的特点和新趋势是:国际短期资本规模不断增长;
From ancient times to the present, capital often is the core of a national defense system, and is the best focus of national defense strength and to improve the area of structure. 历史时期,乃至当代,都城往往是国家防御体系的核心,也是一个国家防御力量最为集中、结构最为完善的地区。
Chapter Five discusses international capital flow and the relationship between industries, and then advances some suggestions and measures concerning the present foreign capital policies in our country. 第五部分主要针对国际资本流动与产业之间客观存在的主要关系,就我国当前利用外资的产业政策提出具体建议和措施。
Either in China or foreign country, both past and present, Capital structure has been long-standing interest and study important issues by a large number of academics and corporate finance. 资本结构问题,无论是中国还是外国,无论是过去还是现在,它一直是众多学者以及企业财务关注和研究的重要问题。
Second chapter introduces Our country Present Foreign capital Merger and acquisition Domestic capital Enterprise legislation existence the main question. 第二章介绍我国现行外资并购内资企业立法存在的主要问题。第三章提出外资并购内资企业的法律规制目标与规制原则。
Numerous domestic studies focused on the non-standard status of private placements in present Chinese capital market, and the effect of short-term stock price of issue enterprises. 国内现有文献大量研究我国定向增发中存在的不规范现状,以及实施定向增发对企业短期股价效应的影响。